Two teens have gone into hiding after their Mum tagged them in a selfie
- Teens have urged their Mum to keep to her own wall on Facebook
- Mummy Buck has been told, her ridiculous poses have to stop
- Teens have vowed to return to the big wide world within 24 hours
- Pippy, 17 has had enough of being told she looks just like her Mum
- Teens have urged Mummy Buck to stick to selfies with her friends
Two teenage kids are in hiding this morning after a selfie taken with their Mum (Aka Mummy Buck) has surfaced on social media.
Mummy Buck, a former 80’s chick has committed the ultimate sin – tagging her kids in a photo without first checking it was okay.
A family friend told The Daily Grief: ‘‘the kids are refusing to come out. The embarrassment of this family photo circulating on Facebook is too much. Its made worse with Mummy Buck and her ridiculous pose. They were led to believe it was for the ‘family collection’.
Mummy Buck, a former 80’s chick, said to be delighted with the photo told us how she felt great with the way she looked in it, happy to show off share with her friends on FB.
She said: ‘I can’t believe they’re moaning. Well I can believe they’re moaning, as that’s What I’m bewildered about is………why they are moaning about this photo? If anyone should be moaning, it should be me, have you seen their scowls in the picture?
After all, it’s not going to come as a shock to anyone, least of all their friends to see a photo of their family. I mean, no one is going to be like ‘whoa who’s the babe woman in the photo with you?”
She added: ‘I hardly think it will be a talking point. I doubt any jungle drums will be beating with the sound of “OMG everybody, gather round, have you all seen the photo of the Buck Kids with, wait for it………..their MUM!!!
‘After all, what’s wrong with a selfie with their Mum? ‘Everything’ interrupted Dippy, 15.
A family member told our reporter: ‘Mummy Buck’s a bit of a devil when it comes to photos. She’s always trying to get photos of the kids, rarely with good results. They either end up arguing or one of the kids is pulling a stupid face.
This time, she told them the photo would stay on her phone. Instead she went ahead and put it on Facebook. She should have told them. Prepared them in advance. That way they could have deleted it the minute it was up.
Pippy, 17 learning to drive, told our reporter how she woke up to a notification saying she’d been tagged in a post. ‘I don’t often get tagged on Facebook these days, as none of us really use it. My blood ran cold when I saw it was Mum who’d tagged me. The worst bit, it said, ‘tagged photo’. I couldn’t look. Thank god, she’s completely clueless and useless on how to use Snapchat.
At the same time Dippy, 15, text me saying OMG have you seen what Mum’s tagged us in? Plucking up the courage I looked, it was the photo taken last night, the photo she said would remain on her phone’.
Dippy, 15 winched as he recalled ‘we’d been out for a meal. As usual, Mum wanted a selfie with us, going on and on about her friend’s kids who never complained about selfies. So, as it was her birthday we caved. We all agreed she could take just one. This put an end to her relentless moaning, which is no mean feat’.
Shaking her head, Pippy, 17 learning to drive, continued ‘the thing is she takes FOREVER to take a photo. When she finally gets her best angle, she presses the lock button. Off goes the phone, and its back to the pain of a re-run. ’ve lost count of the times I’ve told her it’s the volume button she needs to press’!
‘Plus she holds the phone up ridiculously high. I kid you not, she could have got the whole restaurant in her photo holding it up like that. I swear the table behind started posing for the photo as well!
‘More embarrassingly her pose is ridiculous. She always opens her mouth making some weird noise. She can hold the same expression for ages! Who even poses like that? said Dippy, 15. And she always picks the most populated area to take a selfie’.
He added: ‘Apart from Facebook, which I don’t use. She doesn’t follow me on any social media. I can guarantee she’d always be on there, commenting on any of my photos. It proper makes me cringe just thinking about it’.
Mummy Buck, a former 80’s chick butted in: ‘Jeeze what’s the problem it’s just a photo…..and a very good one at that!
‘Anyone would think I’d stolen the crown jewels, worse still cancelled their phone contract’.
‘It’s terrible for Pippy, 17 learning to drive, said a close friend. I feel sorry for her, I really do. If I was in her position I would be sooooooooooooo embarrassed. Fortunately, my Mum doesn’t go on Facebook, she hates it calling it Boastbook’!
Mummy Buck, a former 80s chick shocked at hearing this, asked: ‘is your Mum okay’?
Finally, and most importantly Pippy, 17 learning to drive and Dippy, 15 are safe in the knowledge that there will be no ‘upset’ on any other social media platforms especially Snapchat as Mummy Buck is shit with them.
For the next 24 hours, they will be staying out of sight in their rooms, chilling out. Working at keeping their Snapstreak live.
Mummy Buck, a former 80’s chick is said to be enjoying a new book, using the kid’s vow of silence to see how many chapters she can read.
I couldn’t stop laughing! You have captured life with teens perfectly, I only have one teen so far, but I can feel your pain, why wouldn’t they ant us tagging them, we are gorgeous after all! #coolmumclub
Just brilliant Sharon! Every time I think ’17 year old who is learning to drive’ I shall forever think of you. That tickled me. Thanks for sharing these pieces with us at #tweensteensbeyond
Oh this did make me chuckle! Love the weird and wonderful intricacies of parent / teenager ettiquette xxx
If that’s the worst thing you’ve ever done they’ve got off quite lightly! They may disagree though 😉
Another amazing insight to the strange and curious life of teens! I can only imagine – my five year old already gets naffed off with me taking photos of her, and she has no idea where they go! Luckily for her, I’m with Mummy Bucks friend, and don’t do facebook…but that might change when I have two teens to stalk!
Thanks for linking to #coolmumclub
This is a great post and made me LOL! (My teen is telling me that LOL is bollocks these days but you know what I mean). You have kids the same age as mine and I have no photos of them since last summer……..and snapchat? I’m with you…no idea! #coolmumclub
lol my kids were the same and i was banned from their social media sights until they started uploading pics of me, then i was allowed to share but not tag them, now they are all adults and will tag themselves in my pictures and are ‘friends’ on all my social media sites and regular share my blog posts and get upset if i don’t blog about my time with them #tweenteensbeyond
Oh wow this is hysterical! Yes this is the crime of the century!! I have to ask permission before I can tag anyone in anything! They would, of course, prefer it if I was nowhere near social media but as I’m a blogger that is unlikely to happen!!! Thanks so much for sharing with us at #TweensTeensBeyond
“Oh it proper makes me cringe!” The immortal words of the teenager. Well done you Sharon for being so brave and breaking the rules. One day they will look back on that photo with fondness. #TweensTeensBeyond
“Oh it proper makes me cringe!” The immortal words of the teenager. Well done you Sharon for being so brave and breaking the rules. One day they will look back on that photo with fondness. #TweensTeensBeyond
My 11 year old won’t let me take his picture AT ALL, so putting one on fb would be the ultimate sin, I’m not sure why though as he doesn’t even have an FB account yet! #mondaystumble
I love this so much and properly laughed out loud at the pressing the lock button on the phone.
Don’t know anyone who does that. No, nobody at all…
hahaha! This is hilarious! Glad everything is back to normal after that selfie drama! #MondayStumble
Still years for my fournado to reach teenage years, but I can very well imagine how it will be. And you have captured it perfectly… this really made me laugh out loud;)
This makes me wonder what will become of facebook when we are old and wrinkly if the young people don’t use it. Can you imagine a world without facebook?! Thanks for linking up to #FridayFrolics